• Lightning Spirits Come to See Sahng-jeh-nim
  • One night, when Sahng-jeh-nim and Bahk Gohng-ooh were sleeping at Shin Gyung-su’s house, Gohng-ooh dreamed that dozens of brightly shining people came down from the sky.
  • In the yard in front of the room, they bowed to Sahng-jeh-nim, whom Gohng-ooh fearfully hid behind.
  • The next day, Sahng-jeh-nim asked Gohng-ooh, “Did you see anything in your dreams?”
  • Gohng-ooh spoke of his dream, and Sahng-jeh-nim said, “They were lightning spirits.”
  • The Manner in Which Spirits Greet Sahng-jeh-nim
  • With their spiritual eyes, Gyung-suk and Gohng-ooh saw spirits requesting an audience with Sahng-jeh-nim do the embracing-heaven-and-caressing-earth bow four times. Sahng-jeh-nim responded by bringing His hands together in front of His forehead.
  • When Spirits Come
  • When Sahng-jeh-nim summoned spirits during the work of renewing heaven and earth, Ho-yun could see them. To the rest of the disciples, it looked as if Sahng-jeh-nim were talking to Himself.
  • One day, Ho-yun saw some spirits outside the gate craning their necks to see what was going on inside. One of them crawled into the yard. The spirit bowed to Sahng-jeh-nim four times and, after the fourth bow, remained low to the ground.
  • Sahng-jeh-nim said, “Stand up. It is not time yet. Wait in readiness until I call.” All the spirits left.
  • Whenever spirits were coming, Ho-yun heard a sound from the entrance of the village like the buzzing of bees and could see glowing light.
  • 10 Sahng-jeh-nim would draw a line in the yard with a stick and say, “Come in.” The spirits would enter.
  • 11 They always bowed to Sahng-jeh-nim four times in the yard.
  • 12 Most of the spirits that came into the yard could not pass the line Sahng-jeh-nim had drawn.
  • 13 Some spirits of higher positions could come as far as the area outside the door. Some could stand on the doorstep and bow to Sahng-jeh-nim there, but could come no closer.
  • 14 Different spirits wore different attire. Some spirits wearing red and yellow uniforms in the style of Japanese soldiers saluted, and Sahng-jeh-nim replied by raising His hand.

  • (JSD Dojeon 4,90)

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