• The Publication of the Dojeon
    and the Process Leading to Gae-byuk
  • In a work of renewal, Sahng-jeh-nim recited an old poem:
  • 七八年間古國城 畵中天地一餠成
    黑衣飜北風千里 白日頃西夜五更
  • For seven or eight years,
    this ancient land is heaven and earth in a picture,
    a piece of rice cake.
  • A black coat flutters in the north;
    the wind blows it one thousand lee.
  • A white sun goes down in the west; night grows deep.
  • 東起靑雲空有影 南來赤豹忽無聲
    虎兎龍蛇相會日 無辜人民萬一生
  • A blue cloud rises in the east, casting a shadow in the air.
  • A red leopard coming from the south is suddenly silent.
  • On the day when the tiger, rabbit, dragon, and snake meet,
    even if people have no fault
    only one in ten thousand lives.

  • (JSD Dojeon 5,309)

    No Records.