• Removal of Japan’s Strong Terrestrial Energy
  • One day, Sahng-jeh-nim wrote many things, gave the papers to a few of the disciples, and said, “Go to the blacksmith’s shop in Shin-bahng-jook Village, Tae-in County, and burn these in the fire.”
  • The disciples did as they were told, and a few days later, Sahng-jeh-nim said to Gim Gahp-chil, “Go to Gim Byung-ook’s house in Jeonju County to hear the latest news.”
  • There, Byung-ook said to Gahp-chil, “I have heard of a huge fire in Shin-ho, Japan, that has caused massive destruction.”
  • Gahp-chil came back and reported to Sahng-jeh-nim what he had heard.
  • Sahng-jeh-nim said, “In Japan, there is a high concentration of powerful terrestrial energy. Therefore, Japan has been violent, greedy, and aggressive.
  • Korea has been attacked by Japan since ancient times. There have been few days of relief from their aggression.
  • This terrestrial energy must be withdrawn for Koreans to live in peace and for the Japanese to live in safety.
  • I had the paper burned in Shin-bahng-jook to remove that energy.
  • The fact that there was a great blazing fire in Shin-ho, which is pronounced the same as the other name for Shin-bahng-jook, is a sign that the terrestrial energy will be removed.”

  • (JSD Dojeon 5,316)

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