• The Programs Are Firmly Fixed
  • “In disassembling and reconstructing heaven and earth, I have firmly fixed the programs without allowing a single drop of water to escape.
  • When the proper time is reached, a new framework will be established.”
  • If Old Ways Persist
  • “Feel comfortable with being foolish, destitute, humble, and weak.
  • Be careful not to let transgression arise from your mind, your mouth, and your intentions. Do not cause vengeful energy within others.
  • Engulfed in vengeful energy, those with wealth, prestige, intelligence, and power are plucked like bean sprouts.
  • This occurs because, where old qi pervades, it is difficult to meet the great destiny.
  • A wealthy person’s rooms and pantries are filled with lethal qi and misfortune.”

  • (JSD Dojeon 5,320)

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