• Gohng-ooh Sees a Beautiful Woman
  • Sahng-jeh-nim and Bahk Gohng-ooh were passing through Tae-in, when Gohng-ooh noticed a beautiful young woman who was walking along the road.
  • For the sake of propriety, he did not look directly at her, yet her image remained in his mind.
  • Sahng-jeh-nim was aware of his infatuation and said, “Men deplete their essence with such desire. From now on, look thoroughly at the women you meet and do not hold them in your mind.”
  • Gohng-ooh understood. From then on, whenever he saw a woman, he did as Sahng-jeh-nim had told him, and no desire arose in his mind.

  • (JSD Dojeon 9,78)

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