• A Work of Renewal with Spirits of Great Generals
  • On March 3, 1905, Sahng-jeh-nim summoned the spirit of a great general and said to him,
  • “Go get your superior.” Sahng-jeh-nim then stacked paper to the height of one ja. He marked a dot on each sheet of paper and then burned it.
  • He had someone bring a bowl of water and He dissolved the ashes in it.
  • After a while, the sound of horses snorting was heard from outside. Opening the door, Sahng-jeh-nim said, “Have you come?” He then threw the water outside.
  • Hyung-yul went out of the room and sat on a chair. Spirits bowed to him. Then, Sahng-jeh-nim also went out and sat on a chair. After the spirits bowed to Sahng-jeh-nim, they gathered in front of the porch and lowered their heads.
  • Sahng-jeh-nim then drew a dragon on a big piece of paper and put it on the ground in the yard. Spirits at both ends picked it up and held it level.
  • To those who could not see spirits, it appeared as if the paper were suspended in the air.
  • The dragon, which was drawn in black ink, became red and then blue.
  • Sahng-jeh-nim burned it and put the ashes on a wicker tray. Crushing the ashes, He put them into the bowl of water. He then had every disciple present take a sip.

  • (JSD Dojeon 5,66)

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