• Ho-yun’s Meditation
  • In 1905, when Sahng-jeh-nim had Ho-yun meditate in a tent near a spring, He had her recite mainly the Chil-sung-gyung Mantra and the Gae-byuk Mantra and, at times, had her draw animals and make dots on paper.
  • He bound sheets of blank paper like a book, gave it to Ho-yun, and told her to draw horses in it.
  • When she filled the book, He gave her more paper to draw more horses. The pictures of horses kept piling up higher.
  • He allowed Ho-yun to start meditation when she wanted, without giving her a set schedule;
  • but once the meditation started, no matter how much she complained that her legs hurt and that the practice was difficult, He would not allow her to stand up and would make her go deeper into meditation.
  • He would scold her and say, “I have eyes in the back of My head.” Then, He would make her kneel more tightly.
  • By the time she finished her meditation, she had gained boundless insight. Her spiritual eye opened wide. She could even understand the words of spirits and animals.

  • (JSD Dojeon 5,82)

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