• Hungry on a Journey
  • One day, on the way to Ma-sahn, Sahng-jeh-nim became hungry and stopped by an inn. There, He gulped down a huge pot of rice wine.
  • Using a straw, Ho-yun started drinking rice wine as well. It was so sweet and delicious that she drank for quite a while. Afterward, she felt as if the earth were turning upside down.
  • “Oh, I cannot walk,” she said and lay on the ground.
  • “If you cannot keep your balance, then why did you drink? You can only drink if you can keep your balance.”
  • Ho-yun asked, “After drinking two pots, are You still all right?”
  • “Yes,” Sahng-jeh-nim answered. “I could still drink much more.”

  • (JSD Dojeon 5,87)

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