• Not an Easy Task
  • To open a new heaven and earth and build a fifty-thousand-year paradise where people can live with one mind and one will, Jeung-san Sahng-jeh-nim made many offerings to heaven.
  • One day, Ho-yun asked, “When will gae-byuk occur?” “It will happen soon,” He answered.
  • “However, it will not be an easy task, because each nation has its unique problems.
  • Whether or not a king is at ease depends on the ability of his ministers.
  • Only when his ministers do well can a ruler feel at ease. It does not depend solely on how the king rules.
  • You may think I am sitting here at ease, but it is a difficult task to bring many nations together in harmony.
  • Even within a small family, promises can be broken. So how can it be easy for all in heaven and earth to have one mind?
  • You will realize this in the course of your life. It is not something that can be explained in words. Time will teach you.”

  • (JSD Dojeon 7,1)

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