• The Carpenter Is Punished by a Fire Sword
  • Later, on His way from Wun-pyung Village with Ja-hyun and Hyung-yul, Sahng-jeh-nim suddenly became enraged and shouted,
  • “You idiot! You do not understand the work of renewing heaven and earth! Now, you will die. You cannot live.”
  • As soon as Sahng-jeh-nim arrived in Gu-rit-gohl Village, He went to Ee Gyung-moon’s house.
  • He kicked over the pile of wood Gyung-moon had cut and, stepping on a piece, said,
  • “Bring a ruler and measure it.” At this moment, the carpenter fell unconscious.
  • Someone quickly carried him inside and laid him down. Shortly after, the carpenter woke up. Sahng-jeh-nim said to him, “A sword of fire will strike you dead tonight.”
  • After dinner, Sahng-jeh-nim called the carpenter again and, in a voice as loud as thunder, declared,
  • “Because you have conducted this work of renewal in such a careless manner, heaven and earth are unwilling to forgive you. Your death is unavoidable. Do not grieve over it.”
  • When the carpenter begged for his life, Sahng-jeh-nim said, “How can I save you when heaven and earth have decided to kill you with a fire sword?”
  • 10 As soon as Sahng-jeh-nim said this, a bolt of lightning came through the door and struck the carpenter. His body was burned black.
  • 11 Sahng-jeh-nim said, “Since he is already dead, put him outside. Someone else might get hurt.”
  • Hyung-yul Pleads to God for the Carpenter’s Life
  • 12 Hyung-yul begged for the carpenter to be revived. Sahng-jeh-nim said, “They say that one who dies by lightning will not even be buried, and crows will not come to pick at the corpse. How can I revive him?”
  • 13 But Hyung-yul kept pleading fervently until Sahng-jeh-nim said, “If you have the skill to revive him, by all means go ahead and do so.”
  • 14 Hyung-yul thought Sahng-jeh-nim had finally granted his request. He hurriedly took the corpse to the next room and rubbed the charred body.
  • 15 Hyung-yul pleaded and pleaded, saying, “Lord of Heaven, please let him live again. Lord of Heaven, please let him live again.” Finally, the carpenter came back to life.
  • 16 Jeung-san Sahng-jeh-nim, the Lord of Heaven, applauded Hyung-yul. “Aha! Look at that! He has the skill to revive a person struck by lightning. I did not know that.”
  • 17 Sahng-jeh-nim allowed Hyung-yul to revive the carpenter because of Hyung-yul’s compassion and forgiveness.
  • 18 Sahng-jeh-nim again ordered Gyung-moon, “Hurry up and finish making the medicine cabinet and the chest.” It took him over one month to finish the task.

  • (JSD Dojeon 5,174)

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