• The Work of Renewal in the Last Month of 1908
  • In the last month of that year, in Dae-heung Village, Sahng-jeh-nim opened the great gate of the spirit world and performed a work of renewal in which He wrote day and night without rest.
  • After He had done this for several days and nights, there was a mountain of paper.
  • Having finished, He said, “This has been the work of renewal in the last month of 1908. It has been a great work of renewal.” He did not say any more about it.
  • Sahng-jeh-nim Goes to Taejeon and Seoul
  • That month, Sahng-jeh-nim and Su-bu-nim left Dae-heung Village to conduct works of renewal in Taejeon and Seoul.
  • They were accompanied by disciples, including Gim Hyung-yul, Gim Ho-yun, Gim Gahp-chil, Ahn Nae-sung, Bahk Gohng-ooh, and Cha Gyung-suk and other people, including Cha Yoon-chil, Cha Yoon-duk, Cha Soon-ohk, and Cha Pyung-gook.
  • When they were leaving the village, Sahng-jeh-nim had eight disciples escort Him, four in front and four behind. He said, “Joseon has eight provinces.”
  • A New Buddha Is Coming
  • When they arrived in Seoul, it snowed so heavily that it was difficult to walk.
  • In an open area somewhere between the Dae-hahn Gate of Duk-su Palace and Wun-gu Altar, they all sat together in a circle.
  • Sahng-jeh-nim said, “For the work of renewing heaven and earth to be accomplished, a new Buddha should emerge. I will tell you something that you will be pleased to hear.” Then, he sang:
  • 佛移佛移四月來
  • 10 Buddha is coming, Buddha is coming, he arrives in April.
    The ultimate qi, the ripening qi of autumn, arrives in April.
  • Bringing Forth the Leader of the Team of Six Army
  • 11 Suddenly, Bahk Gohng-ooh asked, “Who are You going to appoint as the eldest son?”
    “Tae-oon-jahng,” Sahng-jeh-nim answered.
  • 12 Gohng-ooh then asked, “If so, who will be the youngest son?”
    “Gahp-chil. Gahp-chil is the tail of Gahp-ja.”
  • 13 After finishing the work in Seoul, they returned to Dae-heung Village.

  • (JSD Dojeon 5,256)

    No Records.