• Ho-yun’s Threat
  • One day in 1905, on the way to Gohng-ju with Ho-yun on His back, Sahng-jeh-nim asked,
  • “Do you have to pee?”
    “I am going to pee here,” Ho-yun said. “I don’t want to get down.”
  • “In that case,” said Sahng-jeh-nim, “what am I going to do when I get wet?”
  • “No, I’ll just pee here,” Ho-yun said in a sweet voice and stuck to His back more tightly.
  • Sahng-jeh-nim began laughing. “Oh no! A leech is stuck to My back. If you do so, I will throw you into the water.”
  • “Just see if I let go, even if You try to throw me into the water.”
  • “You little thing,” Sahng-jeh-nim said, and laughed.
  • On the way, they visited an inn to have a meal. Sahng-jeh-nim mixed the rice and side dishes together and tried to feed it to Ho-yun,
  • but she refused, saying, “I won’t eat it.”
    “Why won’t you eat it?”
  • 10 “If You keep doing this when I get bigger, I will go around saying bad things about You.”
  • 11 At this, Sahng-jeh-nim clapped His hands and laughed so heartily that the inn shook. Startled guests ran out of their rooms.

  • (JSD Dojeon 5,83)

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