• Upon Attaining Enlightenment
  • Sahng-jeh-nim said, “Upon attaining enlightenment, keep it to yourself and act as if nothing has happened.
  • Should you boast and reveal secrets, heaven will take it away.
  • If, thinking you know something, you unscrupulously reveal it to the world and act against heaven’s principles, you will be punished by spirits for minor transgressions and by heaven for major transgressions.”
  • Revealing the Secrets of Heaven
  • A disciple said to Sahng-jeh-nim, “There is a recluse at Sun-oon Temple in Go-chahng County widely known for his extraordinary abilities.
  • He can see the future vividly. I have heard that he said, ‘The one who will save the world has come and is presently in the world. His surname is Gahng.’”
  • “Is that so?” Sahng-jeh-nim said.
  • A few days later, another disciple came and reported, “The recluse of Sun-oon Temple died suddenly despite his impeccable health.”
  • “Anyone who reveals the secrets of heaven cannot avoid death,” Sahng-jeh-nim said.

  • (JSD Dojeon 6,6)

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