• Never Go Against the Way of Heaven
  • If the disciples complained about heavy winds, rain, heat, or cold when setting out on a journey, Sahng-jeh-nim would change the weather for their comfort.
  • One day, He said, “From now on, though it is cold, do not speak of being cold. Though it is hot, do not speak of being hot. Do not complain when it rains or snows.
  • There is a reason why heaven and earth create these conditions. To complain of them is to go against the way of heaven.”
  • The Weather Changes According to Sahng-jeh-nim’s Mind
  • If Sahng-jeh-nim laughed when there were heavy clouds and thick fog, the fog disappeared and the sun came out.
  • If He became angry when the sky was clear and bright, the sky became dark and fog covered the ground.
  • The qi of heaven changes according to the mind of Sahng-jeh-nim, who governs the creative change of heaven and earth.

  • (JSD Dojeon 4,85)

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