• The Mindset of Those Carrying Out the Work Under Heaven
  • Sahng-jeh-nim then opened the great gate of the spirit world. He selected thirty-three disciples, one for each of the thirty-three heavens, and said to them,
  • “If any of you think you will flee in fear when policemen or soldiers come, you should return home immediately.
  • If there are ten people and one runs away, nine meet injury and death.
  • If any of you think you might run away, leave now. Those who remain must strengthen their determination.
  • People carrying out the work under heaven gain comfort when faced with danger and gain life when faced with death.
  • Those doing the work should be able to walk through fire.”
  • Twenty-one of them stayed, earnestly promising not to change their minds.
  • Knowing of Sahng-jeh-nim’s power of creative change, some thought, “When our Teacher is with us, what is there to fear?” Others thought, “What possible difficulties could we encounter? He must be testing us.”
  • Sahng-jeh-nim asked the disciples, “When is Waking Hibernators Day?”
  • 10 “February 4,” they answered.
    “On that day, you will know what this work is about.”

  • (JSD Dojeon 5,150)

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