• A Majestic Army of Ten Million Soldier Spirits
  • That winter, in Dae-heung Village, Sahng-jeh-nim went to a field with the disciples and had them line up.
  • He then said, “Today, you will see an army marching in formation. I will call for ten million soldier spirits to assemble in battle array.”
  • He chose a spot and then sat, looking stern. He said to the disciples, “Set your minds right and wait patiently.”
  • A moment later, a majestic army of ten million soldier spirits ran toward them, covering the fields and mountains, carrying flags, swords, and spears.
  • Arriving in front of Sahng-jeh-nim, they demonstrated their battle drill. They crouched, stood up, advanced, and drew back.
  • The dignity and solemnity of the display could not be expressed in words.
  • Watching it, the disciples lost all other thoughts.
  • After the spirits displayed battle formations for several hours, Sahng-jeh-nim dismissed them.

  • (JSD Dojeon 5,249)

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