• The Dawn of the Later Heaven Gae-byuk
  • One day, Sahng-jeh-nim wrote something and gave it to Gim Byung-sun:
  • 日入酉配 亥子難分
    日出寅卯辰 事不知
    日正巳午未 開明
    日中爲市交易退 帝出震
  • The sun sets in the Hour of the Chicken,
    and it becomes as difficult to distinguish things
    as in the Hours of the Pig and Rat.
    The sun rises in the Hours of the Tiger, Rabbit, and Dragon,
    and it is difficult to know how affairs will proceed.
    The sun crosses the meridian
    in the Hours of the Snake, Horse, and Sheep,
    and brightness opens.
    When the sun is high in the sky, a market is open.
    When trading subsides and the market closes,
    an emperor emerges from the direction of Jin ().
  • On another occasion, Sahng-jeh-nim said, “When the rooster crows, it is dawn. When the dog barks, people are up and about.
  • The destiny of a year lasts until April of the next year.
  • In the Years of the Dragon and Snake, a sage emerges, and in the Years of the Horse and Sheep, every house is filled with pleasure.”
  • He also said, “When brightness opens, writings of illumination will come forth and people’s minds will awaken.”

  • (JSD Dojeon 5,279)

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