• Policemen Raid Gohng-shin’s House at Dawn
  • On the evening of December 25, Sahng-jeh-nim ordered Gohng-shin and the others at Gyung-su’s house to extinguish the lights and go to sleep early. Sahng-jeh-nim slept in a separate room.
  • At dawn, dozens of armed policemen circled Gohng-shin’s house, seized the disciples, and bound them. They demanded to know where Sahng-jeh-nim was.
  • The disciples now realized the meaning of Sahng-jeh-nim’s orders and told the police that He was at Shin Gyung-su’s house.
  • The police ran over to where Sahng-jeh-nim was staying. One of them thrust his rifle through the paper screen door of Sahng-jeh-nim’s room and shouted, “Out! All of you!”
  • Sahng-jeh-nim grabbed hold of the barrel of the rifle and said, “Let it go.”
    Overwhelmed by Sahng-jeh-nim’s qi, the policeman said politely, “Please, You should let it go.”
  • “Didn’t you hear Me!” Sahng-jeh-nim shouted. “Let it go right now!”
  • They argued for a long time. Meanwhile, another policeman was looking for Gohng-shin. When Gohng-shin came out of the other room, the policemen seized and bound him. Sahng-jeh-nim and all the others were also arrested under suspicion of belonging to an armed resistance.
  • Finding the money in a room, the policemen confiscated it along with a couple of rolls of cotton fabric, saying that everything must have been stolen.

  • (JSD Dojeon 5,152)

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