• The Fate of the World’s People Struggling to Survive
  • Accompanied by Hyung-yul and Ho-yun, Sahng-jeh-nim visited a house in Oon-bohng Township, Nahm-wun County. The woman of the house prepared a room for them.
  • Some neighbors brought Sahng-jeh-nim vegetables, and as He ate them, He said,
  • “I must thank you for kindly bringing Me these vegetables.” Then, He said to Himself, “Alas, people’s lives are pitiful.”
  • “Why did You say that?” Ho-yun asked.
    “It is so pitiful that they struggle so hard to survive only to die, unable to see a new world,” Sahng-jeh-nim replied.
  • The Likelihood of Surviving the Autumn Gae-byuk
  • Sahng-jeh-nim said, “If I circulate the ultimate qi from over there, people here fall like bean sprouts.
  • It is not that they die by eating something or falling into something. While sitting, they close their eyes and silently fall over.”
  • One day, Sahng-jeh-nim said to Ho-yun, “In the future, it will be difficult for one person in ten to survive. There is no way to know what would happen to even one’s own children.
  • 10 At that time, when I am seated high, you will be unable to lift your heavy eyelids to look at Me.”

  • (JSD Dojeon 3,196)

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