• The Gahn and Tae Union Program
  • Occasionally, Sahng-jeh-nim, Hyung-yul, Bohng-nahm, and Ho-yun traveled on horseback to conduct works of renewal. Before these journeys, Sahng-jeh-nim always ordered three horses readied for the four travelers.
  • Sahng-jeh-nim rode on one horse, and Hyung-yul on another. Sahng-jeh-nim had Bohng-nahm and Ho-yun ride together on the third horse.
  • Sometimes, when Bohng-nahm and Ho-yun bickered about not wanting to ride together, Sahng-jeh-nim would rebuke them and say, “I might as well not take you along.” Thus, there was no choice but for Ho-yun to cling to Bohng-nahm’s back as they rode.
  • The Ultimate Contest and Young People Wearing Straw Hats
  • One day, while traveling with Bohng-nahm, Sahng-jeh-nim asked, “Do you think you can beat Me at wrestling?”
  • 10 Looking serious, Bohng-nahm replied, “Father, why would You ask such a question?”
  • 11 “Let’s wrestle,” Sahng-jeh-nim said. Bohng-nahm hesitated out of deference, so Sahng-jeh-nim again ordered him to wrestle.
  • 12 With no choice, Bohng-nahm grasped the waist of Sahng-jeh-nim’s pants with both hands and began wrestling with Him. Somehow, Bohng-nahm beat Sahng-jeh-nim.
  • 13 “Let’s wrestle again!” Sahng-jeh-nim said. Bohng-nahm grabbed the waist of Sahng-jeh-nim’s pants and wrestled with Him again. Bohng-nahm again beat Sahng-jeh-nim.
  • 14 “Let’s wrestle one more time!” Sahng-jeh-nim said. Bohng-nahm thought, “I should lose this time to allow my Father to save face.” He then began to wrestle with Sahng-jeh-nim.
  • 15 Initially, Bohng-nahm did not try hard, but when the match became close,
  • 16 he suddenly thought, “Oh I don’t care. I’ll win again.”
  • 17 With a sudden exertion, he threw Sahng-jeh-nim to the ground.

  • (JSD Dojeon 5,41)

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