• Stars Reveal How Many Will Survive
  • In the summer of 1909, Sahng-jeh-nim was staying at Yohng-muh-ree Hill. One day, He lit candles in the yard and performed a great work of renewal in which He wrote:
  • 天有日月之明 地有草木之運?
  • In heaven, sun and moon give light.
    On earth, plants and trees grow.
  • 天道在明故 人行於日月
    地道在爲故 人生於草木
  • The way of heaven lies in the light of sun and moon;
    humanity lives according to their movement.
  • The way of earth lies in the creation and growth of all things;
    humanity lives on what plants and trees produce.
  • When Sahng-jeh-nim burned this writing, dark clouds covered the sky, a strong wind blew, and rain started to fall, making it a gloomy day. Despite these conditions, the candles remained lit.
  • Sahng-jeh-nim instructed Yu Chahn-myung, “Go and see if stars have appeared in the sky in the north and the west.”
  • Chahn-myung observed that clouds had covered almost the entire sky in the north and the west, and he saw only a single star shine through.
  • When he reported this, Sahng-jeh-nim said, “Look into the sky in the south and the east.” When Chahn-myung looked again, he saw thin clouds in the eastern sky and between them some stars. The southern sky was clear, and countless stars shone brightly.
  • When he reported this, Sahng-jeh-nim said, “Few will survive in the north and the west. Many will survive in the south and the east.”

  • (JSD Dojeon 7,56)

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