• Everyone Will Have Descendants
  • In Wun-pyung Village, Sahng-jeh-nim summoned great spirits of heaven and earth for a work of renewal.
  • There was a spirit in a corner of the room who seemed to have suffered from long neglect. Sahng-jeh-nim said, “Tell Me what you desire most.”
  • The spirit replied, “Those who have children receive care and respect from their descendants during life and after death.
  • Those who have no children are neglected and sorrowful. Please bless everyone with offspring so that this will not happen any more.”
  • Sahng-jeh-nim said He would grant this wish. “The middle heaven spirits will be in charge of granting blessings. They will ensure that everyone has descendants.
  • In the coming world, blessings will be granted according to each person’s accomplishments and virtue. There will be no unfairness and prejudice.”

  • (JSD Dojeon 9,69)

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