• Spirits Are Watching You
  • Sahng-jeh-nim often said to Ho-yun, “On both your shoulders stand spirits who know whether your intestines are black or white.”
  • One day, Ho-yun complained, “I have no good clothes, like a beggar.”
  • “You will have enough clothes and food to fill heaven and earth,” Sahng-jeh-nim comforted her. “Why do you complain so?”
  • When Sahng-jeh-nim had money, He gave it to Ho-yun to hold onto and said, “The spirits standing on your shoulders are watching you.” Ho-yun could not use the money.
  • One day, Ho-yun said, “With that money, I will have some clothes made for myself.”
    Sahng-jeh-nim gave her one of His jackets. “Tear this and make a skirt.”

  • (JSD Dojeon 9,70)

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