• A Decree for Travel
  • When about to go on a journey, Sahng-jeh-nim would burn a written decree concerning the path He would take.
  • In summer, He would make a breeze, causing dew to form on the road. In winter, He would make the road freeze over so that His shoes would stay dry.
  • One December day in 1905, He was about to leave Hahm-yul Township for Gu-rit-gohl Village, but the muddy road made it difficult to take a single step.
  • “I will issue a decree concerning My path,” He said, and wrote:
  • 勅令治道神將
  • This royal decree is for the spirits governing roads.
  • I am about to leave the foot of Hahm-na Mountain for Gu-rit-gohl Village of Jeonju County.
  • He then burned the paper, and immediately a cold wind froze the muddy road. Sahng-jeh-nim’s shoes remained dry throughout the journey.

  • (JSD Dojeon 2,61)

    No Records.