- Hyung-yul’s Meditation
- 1 Sahng-jeh-nim had Hyung-yul meditate intensively from April 15 to September 19, 1902. This was to awaken him spiritually so that he could assist in the work of renewing heaven and earth.
- 2 On the last day, Sahng-jeh-nim said, “That will do for now. I will reveal other secrets to you when the need arises.”
- 3 From then on, He allowed Hyung-yul to witness the spirits assembling, dispersing, and receiving His commands during each work of renewal. At times, Sahng-jeh-nim gave him the power to control the wind and rain.
- 4 Sometimes, He tested Hyung-yul by asking him where each work had taken place and about the details of the work.
- The World’s Autumn Destiny
- 5 Sahng-jeh-nim said, “The world approaches its autumn destiny.”
- (JSD Dojeon 3,11)